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[Accepté/approved]BF4 - MrGuarnere

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Posts: 6
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Je tiens à me excuser de ne pas parler français. Je ai utilisé Google pour traduire. Le reste de cette application sera en anglais si ce est ok.

My game name is MrGuarnere and some of you might already know me. I have been playing BF4 for just over 3 weeks and have found your server to be the best. I enjoy the team work, the banter on TeamSpeak (the bits that I can understand), the spirit of your team, the map/mode rotation and performance of the server.

Even though I do not speak French I still have a good time on TeamSpeak with the rest of the players and everyone is very kind in speaking English to me when I ask a question.

A bit about me, I am originally from Poland and I moved to the UK when I was 10. I am 26 now and work full time as a computer programmer. I play games in the evenings and weekends when I have time and will often disappear for a month or so while playing another game or just taking a break from games. I hope this is not a problem when it coming to joining FPS.

Some of the FPS members suggested I submit an application and join FPS to make my time on your servers official seeing as I only play on your server now when I play BF4. So here I am. I hope you will accept me but completely understand if you do not (I have read the rules where it says that I should speak French).


Posté : 15/12/2014 11:50 pm
Posts: 221

welcome Mr G.
your french part is funny, Now it must be done by talking on teamspeak :)
glad to know you a bit more this post.
my english is average, especially in real chat.
the write is more easy for me ^^
it's nice to have an English speaking with us.
see you soon on the server and teamspeak.

Posté : 16/12/2014 2:51 am
Posts: 897

No problem for join us ;) it's going to make us work our english lol 8-)

see you soon !

Posté : 16/12/2014 10:01 am
Posts: 6
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Thank you for the welcome :)

I am trying to learn the important French words like "How do I get to the city centre?" and "How much for this" and "Throw a grenade" and "Behind you!" and "Sniper on tower!", all those useful phrases everyone should know :lol:

Everyones English is great and I am happy to help anyone improve their English if they want, just ask me how to say things :D

Can someone explain how the joining process works? Do people have to vote? When am I officially FPS?

Posté : 16/12/2014 12:00 pm
Posts: 253

Mon je dit non il à la même réaction que les FPS quand il me tue :cry:

Posté : 16/12/2014 1:18 pm
Posts: 148

Les fps s'exportent a l’international !!!

Posté : 16/12/2014 2:10 pm
Posts: 897

lol vak attend voir que je lui apprenne a piloter un "kris" et te le balancer en pleine poire :twisted:


Can someone explain how the joining process works? Do people have to vote? When am I officially FPS?

for officer it's ok now just waiting for main admin approbation (flogir28) without response before friday it's ok, i invit you in "battlelog joining team" and it's automatic just clic ok and you ve got [FPS] tag ;)


ps: it's so beautiful to listen flogir speak english with his southern accent of France <3 no? :D

ahhhh south of france... the sun,the beach,the sardane (folk dance)and....

the bowling (la pétanque in french)

Posté : 16/12/2014 2:33 pm
Posts: 6
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LOL kristophe you are right, flogir has a great accent when speaking English :D I can understand him perfectly.

I am actually planning to drive to South France next year in the summer. I defenitly think I will be checking out some pétanque games :roll:

Can you recommend any nice places to stay flogir? :D

Posté : 16/12/2014 2:49 pm
Posts: 352

Welcome :)

Posté : 16/12/2014 4:35 pm
Posts: 274
Reputable Member Admin

Please be welcome among us, Mister G

A real pleasure to have you with us and that's perfect, it will keep me practising English

I'm sure that in a year from now, you 'll be fluent in French

"On a toujours tort d'avoir raison trop tôt"....un anonyme célèbre dans son métier

Posté : 16/12/2014 5:31 pm
Posts: 446

Hi Guy

Thanks for your presentation, so from Poland and speaking English ask to join a french team ....
Perfect this is the FPS reason.

Happy to see your request. After several fight on our server nothing in particular to spécify, good team play , fun

Un intellectuel assis va moins loin qu'un con qui marche

Posté : 16/12/2014 5:53 pm
Posts: 2061
Illustrious Member Admin

Je vais répondre en français ! :oops:

Première question:
Aimes-tu les cuisses de grenouille en persillade ?

Pourquoi une team française ? sachant qu'il va etre compliqué de communiquer avec adrienzxv41n !

Sinon l'idée me plait, si seulement cela pouvait me faire progresser ...

Good feeling with you but my english is sooooooo bad ! :D


Posté : 16/12/2014 6:11 pm
Posts: 17

on pourrais faire la traduction de tous SVP !!! car moi l'anglais je suis nulllllllllllllll...

Posté : 16/12/2014 6:15 pm
Posts: 897

on pourrais faire la traduction de tous SVP !!! car moi l'anglais je suis nulllllllllllllll...

tu l'as veux en chti?

Posté : 16/12/2014 6:21 pm
Posts: 6
Début du sujet

Je vais répondre en français ! :oops:

Première question:
Aimes-tu les cuisses de grenouille en persillade ?

Pourquoi une team française ? sachant qu'il va etre compliqué de communiquer avec adrienzxv41n !

Sinon l'idée me plait, si seulement cela pouvait me faire progresser ...

Good feeling with you but my english is sooooooo bad ! :D


I will answer in English, hope that is OK.

First question: I have never tried frog legs with parsley but it definitely sounds like something I would like to try :D

Second question: There is no particular reason why I want to join a French team. I just like you guys, your server, your members attitude to gaming and the warm welcome I received from everyone when I first came on TeamSpeak (hearing everyone speaking in English is really funny :D)

I do not know who adrienzxv41n is. Can someone explain?

Thanks for your presentation, so from Poland and speaking English ask to join a french team ....Perfect this is the FPS reason.Happy to see your request. After several fight on our server nothing in particular to spécify, good team play , fun

Ye I know, its a great combo :D It just makes FPS more international!

Posté : 16/12/2014 7:32 pm
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